Happy May Day!

May Pole Dances are done in tribute of May Day!

May Pole Dances are done in tribute of May Day!

May Day is observed annually on May 1.  In many ancient calendars, May 1 was the first day of summer.  This was a cause for celebration.  One of the more popular rituals was harvesting flowers and giving them to neighbors and strangers in cone-shaped baskets. These “May Baskets” become more commonly known as “May Day Baskets”.  The current tradition is observed by hanging a cone-shaped basket full of flowers or other gifts on the outside doorknob, then knocking or ringing the doorbell and run away.

May Day has been a traditional day of celebration for centuries, with some of the earliest appearing in pre-Christian times.  In English tradition, May Day is celebrated by crowning a May Queen and dancing around a maypole.  The Finnish tradition is a carnival-type celebration in the streets that includes a special type of lemonade that is made with lemons, brown sugar and yeast.  In France, it is correct to give people either dogwood or lily of the valley to celebrate May Day.  In Italy, a seasonal feast is held to celebrate the arrival of spring.

While different countries have different ways to celebrate May Day, it is truly a celebration of spring.

Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/may-day-may-1-2/

Happy Purple Day - How are you supporting Epilepsy Awareness?

Did you know that today, March 26, is Purple Day? You may think that it just means we all love the color purple, but it is actually mean to bring awareness to Epilepsy and those who fight it.


What is Epilepsy you might ask? It is a condition that causes reoccurring seizures and it is said that 1 in 10 people suffer from it according to Purpleday.org. To read more about Epilepsy or how you can support the cause to help find a cure, why don't you check out http://www.purpleday.org/ 

International Day of Happiness!

What do you have to be happy about? Who in your community brings you happiness?

International Day of Happiness started in 2013 and was celebrated around the world to bring recognition to those who brought joy to others.

To read more about The International Day of Happiness: http://www.dayofhappiness.net/about/

National Napping Day!

It may come as no surprise this year that today is National Napping Day! With Daylight Savings Time just starting yesterday, We are sure that everyone is feeling the need to Nap today! And why not? It is National Napping Day.


While most infants and young children take naps during the day and afternoon, adults in the USA do not and we are so sad about this! However, in other countries around the world they still have afternoon nap breaks during the hottest part of the day... check out https://www.daysoftheyear.com/days/napping-day/ for more history and current information on naps around the world.

Celebrate National Napping Day with a NAP!




National Cereal Day!


Did you know that there is a National Cereal Day? It is celebrated on March 7th, every year in the United States! That is Today!!!

What is your favorite cereal? Do you had fun things like fruits and nuts that you like to add to your cereal?

New time you have cereal try adding Bananas or Strawberries!

At http://www.nationalcerealday.com/ it talks about the poor diet in the 1800 and cereal in the form of Oats, Bran, or Wheat in milk was treated like a wonder food to help everyone feel better. 

Check out http://www.nationalcerealday.com/ for more fun facts about cereal!